Makes 600 ml
2 tsp gelatine
250 ml cream
250 ml whole milk
3 egg yolks, beaten
1/2 c sugar
3 tsp vanilla extract
Combine gelatine, cream and milk in 2 litre saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat stirring occasionally, 8-10 minutes or until mixture just comes to a boil. Remove from heat.
Combine egg yolks in bowl, add sugar and vanilla. Beat at high speed until thickened and pale yellow.
Slowly whisk some of the hot cream mixture into egg mixture. Slowly pour back into remaining cream mixture in saucepan, whisking constantly.
Reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring constantly, 2-3 minutes or until mixture is thick enough to coat back of metal spoon. (Do not boil.) Remove from heat.
Chill for five hours.
Freeze in an ice cream machine according to instructions.
Scoop into a container, cover well, and freeze several hours or overnight. Like most ice creams the flavour improves with aging.
Alternatively, cool to room temperature. Transfer on to a container with a tight lid. Freeze till almost set, take out and whip up with a hand beater and place back into the freezer. The lid should always be tightly shut, as this avoids crystals from forming. Whip once more when almost set and place back in the freezer.
Yoghurt – Substitute yoghurt for half the milk.
Strawberry, Blueberry or Peach – Add 1 cups hulled, sliced strawberries, blueberries, or peeled and chopped peaches before freezing.
Coffee – 1 tbsp coffee powder added with milk.
Chocolate – 2 Tbsp cocoa powder mix with cream before adding
Mint Chocolate Chip – Add 1/2 tsp natural peppermint essence, 1 drops green food colouring, and 1/4 cup chopped dark chocolate just before freezing.