The Barefoot Hippy is where we share the recipes from Hippy Soap Co's products & more, so you can create your own

DIY Naturals Articles

Oils used in Soap Making

How to Pick the best oils for you and your skin?

Choosing oils and butters is a balance of personal preference and what your skin needs.
Do you like a hard bar? Do you want lots of lather?
Is your skin dry? Is it important to you to have a vegan recipe?
Some butters and oils, like coconut, are solid at room temperature.

Properties of commonly used soapmaking oils

Oil / Butter Highlights Max % Usage
Almond Oil, Sweet Lightweight, conditioning, easily absorbed Up to 20%
Apricot Kernel Oil Lightweight, conditioning, easily absorbed Up to 15%
Argan Oil Silky, moisturising, vitamin rich Up to 10%
Avocado Oil Rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, high levels of fatty acids Up to 20%
Beeswax Hardens bar Up to 8%
Babassu Oil Firm, cleansing Up to 33%
Castor Oil Amazing lather Up to 10%
Canola Oil Balanced bar with creamy lather (substitute for olive oil) Up to 33%
Cocoa Butter luxurious and moisturising Up to 15%
Coconut Oil Very cleansing, great lather Up to 33%
Grapeseed Oil Lightweight, skin softening Up to 15%
Hemp Seed Oil Very hydrating, great lather Up to 15%
Jojoba Oil Firms bar Up to 10%
Kokum Butter Llightweight and moisturising Up to 10%
Mango Butter Firming, moisturising Up to 15%
Meadowfoam Oil Moisturizing Up to 15%
Neem Oil Moisturising and full of antioxidants 3-6%
Olive Oil Moisturising Up to 100%
Palm Oil Hardens bar, good lather Up to 33%
Rice Bran Oil Rich in vitamin E and antioxidants Up to 20%
Shea butter Feels luxurious and moisturizing Up tp 15%
Sunflower Oil Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E Up tp 100%

How do you turn this into a workable recipe?

It’s easy! (Sort of.).

First, you need to convert percentages to weights. This will require little thinking, to know how much your mold holds simply use Soapees lye calculator to work this out for you. So let’s say you have a mold that holds 1 kilogram. So you have approximately 680 grams of oils to work with (depending on your water discount). If 25% of your recipe needs to be olive oil, enter this, keep going down your recipe converting into weights of the oils you want to use, and it will let you know how much lye and water is needed for your recipe.

Try a bar that’s 30% each coconut, olive, and light oils, following the percentages as guides to make up the remaining.

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