125g (4oz) butter
125g (4oz) sugar
1 egg
225g (8oz) flour
1 t baking powder
pinch salt
115g butter, softened
55g icing sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon lemon juice
pinch of baking powder
1 ½ teaspoons gelatine
3 tablespoons boiling water
For the pastry: cream butter and sugar, add egg and beat well. Sift dry dry ingreds and mix with creamed mixture. Knead well. Roll out and cut into rounds.
Grease patty tins and line with patty rounds. Prick pastry with a fork and bake at 180°C for about 10 mins.
Making the filling: Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then mix in the vanilla essence and the baking powder. Add the gelatine (dissolved in the boiling water), a teaspoon at a time and the lemon juice, then mix through.
Fill the cooled pastry cases with the mixture and level off the tops. Store in a cool place until firm.
Glace Icing for neenish tarts
2 c icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp milk
2 tbsp cocoa
You’ll need a bowl that will sit on top of a small saucepan to create a baine marie. Sift icing sugar into bowl. Whisk in vanilla and milk until smooth. Sit bowl over saucepan of simmering water until icing is a spreadable consistency. Spread 1/2 the tops of each tart with white glace icing. Allow to set. Add sifted cocoa to remaining icing. – stir in a little milk if icing is too thick. Beat until smooth. Sit bowl over simmering water again until a spreadable consistency. Spread over remaining ½ of tarts and allow to set. Store in an airtight container for 2-3 days.
Sweetened condensed milk filling
4 tbsp butter
8 tbsp icing sugar
4 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
2 dsp lemon juice
For the filling: soften butter, and sifted icing sugar, condensed milk and lemon juice. Mix to combine..
Place a spoonful of mixture into the patty cases. Put in fridge to set.