Total cook time 3 1/2 hours on high, 7 hours on low
1 onion diced
2 carrots diced
1 cup frozen peas
Mince 500 – 600 grams
1 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups water
In a small pot add onion, carrot and peas and sauté in one tablespoon of butter.
In a large slow cooker at high temperature, add the mince.
Cover the mince with 1/2 a cup of the water, smash up the mince. Add to this the sautéd vegetables, the sauce and salt, and mix through.
Add the remaining water, enough to cover with a little extra. Cover with the lid and cook for 3 hours.
Once cooked mix 6 tablespoon of flour with a 1/2 cup of cold water to make a thickening paste, stir well. Add to mince stew, stir through cook for a further half an hour. Serve.