The Barefoot Hippy is where we share the recipes from Hippy Soap Co's products & more, so you can create your own


How to make Yoghurt Cheese

1 litre of yoghurt (How to make yoghurt)
a freshly laundered damp tea towel or muslin

Take the tea towel or muslin, place in a clean bucket or large bowl. Put the yoghurt in the centre. Bring the corners together, tying knots to join. Hang it over the kitchen tap or shower head. It can be left to drain above the sink overnight and by morning the yoghurt cheese is ready. Or for a smaller quantity use a sieve or colander. Line with a new chux cloth or muslin, pour in some yoghurt and rest it over a bowl so that the whey drains out. Cover the strainer.

To make a yoghurt cheese – drain for 8-10 hours.
To make a dip – drain for 4-5 hours.
To make a sour cream – drain for 2 hours.

Once drained to the required consistency remove to a dish and cover. Refrigerated, this cheese will keep up to a week.

4 cups of yoghurt will give 2  cup of yoghurt cheese (500g yoghurt will give about 250g cheese).

Uses for Yoghurt Cheese
Yoghurt cheese is a delicious alternative to regular cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, or even whipped cream.
Here are some suggestions to get you started –

Mix in chopped herbs, nuts, onion, ham, eggs.
Use as a sandwich spread, for hors d’oeuvres, savoury snacks.
Use for dip base, cream cheese or cottage cheese.

Whipped with sugar to taste and a little whipped cream, it makes a luxurious dessert topping. Yoghurt cheese is also delicious served with melon, grapes or other fruit in season.

It can also be used as an ingredient in other desserts. Yoghurt cheese is a versatile and healthy substitute for cream cheese and cottage cheese.

Recipes using yoghurt cheese

    Why Eat Yoghurt Cheese?
    Yoghurt cheese has a greater portion of the nutrients in yoghurt, because the whey has been removed, resulting in a higher concentration of calcium per volume than other dairy products. It is low in calories, sodium, cholesterol, and lactose and has a wonderful smooth texture with a flavor somewhere between cream cheese and sour cream.

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