The Barefoot Hippy is where we share our recipes from Hippy Soap Co's products & more, so you can create your own

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Chocolate Gingernut Truffles

500 g Gingernut biscuits (2 packets)
250 g Cream cheese
220 g White chocolate melts
1 tsp Coconut oil
Shredded coconut

Place the biscuits in a food processor and pulse, or put them in a sturdy plastic bag and smash with a rolling pin until crushed to fine crumbs. Scoop out a small amount of the crumbs for decorating if desired.

Mix the crumbs with the cream cheese and roll into truffle-sized balls. Chill until firm.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Don’t let the bowl touch the water. Stir the coconut oil into the melted chocolate to thin it slightly. Use a fork to dip and coat each truffle in melted chocolate. Tap off any excess then immediately roll in the thread coconut or sprinkle with your desired topping.

Place on a tray covered with foil or non-stick baking paper and chill until required.

Cook’s tip: Store the truffles in an airtight container or package them in individual gift bags.


Old Fashioned Fudge

Makes 54 squares
900g (4½ cups) Brown Sugar
300ml (1¼ cups) milk
30ml (2 Tablespoons) Golden Syrup
100g brick margarine
397g can full cream sweetened condensed milk
5ml (1 teaspoon) vanilla essence

In a heavy based saucepan dissolve the sugar in the milk over a low heat.
Add the syrup and the margarine. Bring to the boil and boil for 2 – 3 minutes.
Remove from the heat and stir in the condensed milk. Bring to the boil again and boil steadily until it reaches the soft ball stage (when a little syrup is dropped into iced water it forms a ball which flattens of its own accord when picked up with the fingers. About 25 – 30 minutes).
Remove from the stove and add the vanilla essence. Beat continuously until the fudge begins to thicken and is almost at setting point. Pour into a greased 27cm x 17cm pan. Cut into squares when almost hard.


Brandy snaps

60g/2¼oz butter, plus extra for greasing
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 heaped tbsp golden syrup
4 tbsp plain flour
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp brandy

Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/Gas 2. Grease two baking trays with butter.
Melt the butter with the sugar and golden syrup in a saucepan. As soon as it starts to bubble, add the flour, ginger, brandy and pistachios and stir until well combined.

Use a teaspoon to dollop 3 – 4 heaps of mixture onto the prepared baking tray. A heaped tsp is enough for a cigar and two heaped teaspoons is enough for a basket. Space them well apart as they will spread.

Cook in batches, its easier if you bake one tray at a time, for for about 10 – 15 minutes mins until set, golden brown and lacy in appearance. Do not allow to go too dark as they will taste bitter. Leave for a minute before shaping – the snaps should still be pliable but set enough to move without tearing.

To make cigars, oil the handle of a wooden spoon and wrap the brandy snap around. If you have a long handle or more than one spoon, you can do a few at a time. Quickly roll a circle of the warm mixture around the handle of the wooden spoon, having the join underneath. Press the join lightly together to seal, then slide the brandy snap off the spoon and leave it to firm up on the wire rack, again with the join underneath. If any of the circles on the sheet harden too much to work with, put them back in the oven for a few seconds to soften again. Repeat until all the mixture has been used. If the mixture in the pan becomes too firm to drop in neat spoonfuls, roll a teaspoonful of it into a small smooth ball in your hands, sit it on the baking tray and flatten slightly with your fingers. Transfer to a cooling rack.

To make baskets, oil the base of small ramekins or narrow tumblers and drape the biscuits over them. The top of the biscuit should touch the base this time as this is the bit you’ll see.
Pipe whipped cream into the cigars or use the baskets or cones for ice cream and berries. If not using straightway, store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.


Peppermint truffles

375g dark chocolate melts
1⁄4 cup thickened cream
1⁄2 tsp peppermint essence
1⁄4 cup white chocolate melts, melted

Line 2 oven trays with baking paper.
Put 200g of the dark chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Add cream, then stir until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Stir in peppermint essence and set aside for 5 minutes to cool, then put in fridge for 2 hours or until mixture is firm enough to roll into balls.
Roll 2 teaspoonfuls of the mixture into a ball and put on 1 prepared tray. Repeat with remaining mixture to make 18 balls. Put tray in fridge.
Put remaining dark chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir until melted and smooth.
Put 1 ball in melted chocolate and, using a spoon, toss to coat. Use a fork to remove ball, tapping fork on edge of bowl to remove any excess chocolate. Put on second prepared tray. Repeat with remaining balls and melted chocolate. Put in fridge for 10 minutes or until chocolate has firmly set.
Drizzle each truffle with a little of the melted white chocolate.


Chocolate Fudge

2¾ cups sugar
2 cups fresh cream
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp cocoa

Place all ingredients in a large frying pan and cook over a low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar melts. Bring to the boil, stirring only occasionally, until mixture reaches the soft ball stage (a little fudge dropped in cold water forms a soft but cohesive ball). Transfer mixture to a stainless steel bowl and beat briskly with the wooden spoon for a minute or until fudge thickens slightly. Spread into a greased dish, ensuring the fudge is at least 2cm high. (If your dish is too big, only spread fudge at one end.)

Cool slightly before slicing.

Variation: For Honey Fudge, substitute cocoa for 2 tbsp honey.



Thius is from an old Aunt Daisy cookbook.

1 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup preserved ginger
1/2 cup figs
1 cup sultanas or raisins
1 cup coconut
1 tin condensed milk

Mix all together and squeeze into oval shapes, put on greased tray and bake in a moderate oven till golden brown.


Bumble Bees

1 tin sweetened condensed milk
2 c mixed dried fruit (sultanas or raisins, dried apricots, preserved ginger, dates) walnuts or almonds could also be included
1 c dessicated coconut

Mix well together. Using wet hands, roll heaped tablespoonfuls of mixture into oval shapes. Roll in coconut coconut. Place on trays. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden. Stand on trays for 1 minute. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Serve.


Astar’s Chocolate fudge

2 c good quality dark cooking chocolate
2/3 c sweetened condensed milk
1 tbsp water
1/2 c toasted then chopped walnuts
1/2 c pistachio nuts – chopped
1 tsp vanilla

Use a double boiler to melt chocolate. Add condensed milk, water and vanilla and stir to combine well. Add chopped nuts.

Pour into a lined small slice tin. Chill in fridge before cutting into squares.

Store in pretty glass jars, dressed with fabric and ribbon. Great home made Christmas gift.



On my endevour to make the perfect marshmallow, with a little adaption the result is a light, fluffy, delish marshmallow. A hit with the kids, and adults alike.

Makes about 40 marshmallows

250 ml cold water
2 1/2 tbsp gelatine
2 cups sugar
1 egg white
pinch of salt
1 tbsp vanilla essence
toasted coconut OR
1/4 c icing sugar mixed with 1/2 c cornflour

Pour the cold water into a large pot. Sprinkle the gelatine into the water and leave to soak.
Heat over a low temperarure, stir until the gelatine is dissolved.
Place in a large bowl the sugar, egg white, vanilla and salt. Add the gelatine mixture, beat with an electric hand beater for 12-15 minutes until very stiff (so that it holds its shape).
If desired, divide the mixture in half and colour one half pink.
Sprinkle a layer of toasted coconut or sift a layer of icing sugar and cornflour into the base of a greased pan.
Pour in the marshmallow mixture. Dust with the remaining toasted coconut or icing sugar mixture. Leave to set.
Dip a knife into hot water. Dry it and then use it to cut the marshmallow mixture into strips, each 2.5 cm
wide. Remove each strip and cut each strip into 2.5 cm squares. Toss each square in toasted coconut or dust with the icing sugar mixture.
Store in an airtight container (in the fridge if it is very humid).


Truffles (made with biscuits)

1/2 packet (125 g) plain biscuits
1/4 c cocoa, sifted
1 c icing sugar, sifted
1/2 c coconut
100g butter – softened
1 tbsp sherry (or orange juice)
1/2 tsp rum (or essence if preferred)
3 tbsp sultanas or raisins (optional)
extra coconut

Crumb biscuits in food processor then add cocoa, icing sugar, coconut, butter, sherry and rum. Mix until well combined.
Add sultanas if using and blitz for a further 5 seconds.
Roll into small balls using wet hands and then roll in the extra coconut.
Place on tray or plate and refrigerate until firm.